20 June 2010


Yesterday I had my first big alarm really-before-trip. The cash numbers. I've made my own accounts many times based in the years I lived alone adding and subtracting some of the expenses. The verdict did always coincide and it looked clear. Three years working, €500 per month, five years on the road, €300 per month, €10 per day.

But yesterday I stumbled in some inventories at the sites and blogs of the people who have already done this kind of trip. All of them above these numbers, many of them much above. I confess I got scared. I don't want to work more years before departure. The more time it takes the worst it is to leave and the later it becomes for the plans after-trip. That's for sure I want to work on my way, not only in volunteering but also in architecture offices, but that's money I can't count on right now.

This far away there's not much I can do... So I only have to be confident in my foresights and if they tent to fail then I have to be confident in what to do in order to cover them. That won't stop me.